Fathers & Sons Pt. 1


Our current culture either takes the importance of relationships for granted or ignores them altogether. The point being made is that over time the influence of culture impacts every aspect of life. This is especially true when it comes to fathers and sons. Like most relationships ordained by God, this is one of the most important ones. This is true because our example is unmistakable and undeniable. God, the Creator of all things, exemplified the importance of the relationship between a father and his son. Gen. 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” This was the work of the Father. God represents the role of a father both God and man are the source of something. God is the source of creation while the man is the source of the family.


Gen. 1:3a declares: “And God said…” This is not a reflection of words simply spoken. It must be understood that words alone are not sufficient to communicate the reality of what is involved here. John, in his Gospel, provides insight into the importance of this truth. John 1:1-3 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (2) He was with God in the beginning. (3) Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” Discernment causes us to consider the reality that one is not just talking about words, but rather a relationship of a father and a son. John reveals to the reader the revelation involving God the Father and Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son. We know that the relationship between fathers and sons is also a spiritual one. Jesus is God, along with the Holy Spirit, and reveals that all reflect a spiritual relationship both in the natural and the spiritual context.


Man was the first human being created by God. Adam was the fruit of that creation. Therefore, the man is the source of all God placed in him for mankind. However, it is evident that the man would not be able to fulfill this without the woman. The Bible confirms that the woman was in the man which again confirms that the man was the source. He was here physically alone but spiritually carrying all that was needed to fulfill the eternal will of God. The woman was in the man, and the family was in them! This was the original intent in the heart of God, the Father. Both biblical and natural history attest to this reality. The Son had a significant role to play regarding what was in the heart of the Father.


As I close this introduction to our study of the relationship between fathers and sons, it must be emphasized that the foundation of their relationship is and was meant to be a reflection of the relationship between God and His Son. Jesus serves as the example to every son of what the relationship between fathers and sons was meant to look like. There is so much that we can learn from their relationship that can benefit the numerous relationships between natural fathers and their sons. I want to encourage every man reading this blog to meditate on your relationship with your father whether that be positive or negative, or non-existent because you grew up without a natural father in your life. Regardless of your personal experience, all sons are intrinsically aware of the impact, or lack of impact that fathers can make in their lives. Let our prayer be that our natural relationships between fathers and sons would be a reflection of the relationship between the Father and His Son, Jesus.